The Callicrate Bander has been used successfully by producers to remove various size horns from cattle of various ages. The technique employed by most producers is quite simple and very satisfactory. You may use the same procedure to remove horns from goats and sheep. The Callicrate ‘WEE’ Bander may be used on small diameter horns (approx. 1”).

Tetanus toxoid must be used. It is important to read and follow vaccine instructions. For more information, contact your veterinarian.

CAUTION: You must use adequate restraint on the heads of cattle. The head should be tied back to the side using a halter or nose tongs. A chute with adequate neck chain, neck extender or head sweep also works well. Electronic immobilizers are also a good choice when dehorning.

  1. Put on safety glasses.
  2. Insert the end of the loop with the clip (SEAM SIDE UP) into the nose of the bander. (See figures 1 thru 6 on instructions.)
  3. Reach across the top of the animal’s head and place the loop over the horn furthest from you. Do not drag the loop along the bottom side of the horn.
  4. Dragging the loop along the bottom of the horn as you pull it toward the head will cause the loop to roll. If the loop rolls on the horn, it will tend to return to its original shape and roll back toward the tip of the horn.
  5. Pull the bander and loop toward you. This will keep the loop close to the head and in the hairline at the horn base.
  6. Tighten the loop until the tension peg on the bander touches the back of the slot.
  7. Press the crimping lever until it will go no further.
  8. Cut the loop as close to the spool as possible using the Callicrate Cutter.
  9. Figure eight duct tape around the horns (over the loops).
  10. Repeat procedure on other horn.
  11. Expect the horns to fall off in 20 to 30 days for small to medium sized horns. Horns with large bases may take up to 50 days as experienced by some producers.

Ligation allows the horns to drop slowly, giving the holes at the base of the horn time to fill with tissue and thus no open hole into the sinus. Flies and maggots are not a problem, plus dirt and debris can not get into the sinus, reducing chances of infection.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Q: Can I remove horns with the Callicrate Bander?
A: Yes. The loops do a great job of removing horns, even three inch diameter horns on 10 year old cows. It will take approximately one to two months (depending on the size of the horns), but there will be no hole into their sinus and other than some tenderness, no discomfort or pain for the cow. Duct tape needs to be placed over the loops and wrapped around the horns.

(View slideshow Horn Removal here.) 

The rubber is fragile on top of hard horns and the tape gives great protection

Q Can the Callicrate Bander be used to ‘tip’ horns rather than removing the whole horn?
A Yes. Use one loop and put it over both horns and the poll so the loop is in contact with the base of the horns.

(View Horn Tipping here.)

Ratchet a couple of times to tighten it down some (not necessarily to the back of the slot- it will vary depending on the size of the horns). This shuts off the arteries at the base of the horns. You can then tip them to whatever length you want. VERY IMPORTANT – CUT THE LOOP OFF AFTER A FEW HOURS. If not, the top of the poll will die from lack of blood.

More Questions? Call 800-858-5974 or 785-332-3344.

The bands do a great job removing even big old three inch diameter horns on 10 year old cows. It will take two months, but there will be no hole in their sinus and other than the tender horns the last month, no discomfort or pain for the cow. I’m real happy with the results.

I was skeptical about late castration not interrupting rate of gain on the calves. Since I weigh my animals every time they go through the chute, I checked that out – the gains continued in the month following banding right on track. You can’t do that with surgical castration.

Tom Reese
